Ethical GovernanceGovernment employees are often faced with unhappy constituents who blame the person in front of them for the way in which a policy or regulation adversely impacts them. Ethical governance is a practice of role-modeling the social fabric each community wants to have.

Cultural Competence – Learn why it is so easy for us to “otherize” those we don’t understand and those whose words and actions we don’t like. We all have a myriad of different social identities. This workshop addresses the values people share and how we can use those as a touchstone for learning rather than discriminating. Learn and develop communication skills to approach difficult conversations with curiosity and respect rather than skepticism and fear.

Comprehensive Mediation Training – This very interactive workshop meets nationally-recognized standards to become a mediator.  The skills learned in this workshop are invaluable for everybody who has to work with anybody else.  Learn how to listen for what people are trying to say despite the words they use.  Learn how to communicate in a way that respects diverging opinions.  Learn how to transform conflict into opportunities for learning, growth and ethical governance.

Managing Conflict at Work – The best way to manage conflict is to prevent as much as possible through transparent and clear communication.  Consider the cultural mores in place within your organization and what that communicates about your response to conflict.  Learn best practices for creating processes and procedures for airing grievances that employees and leaders embrace because they are fair, respectful, timely and efficient. Improve employee engagement, trust in management and workplace productivity. This content is also available through individual and confidential coaching.

Ethical Communication – Effective communication requires much more than simply speaking and listening.  Learn my definition of Ethical Communication and how it can help to prevent many of the most common conflicts that occur in the workplace and in personal relationships.  This workshop is particularly useful for government officials who often have to think on their feet and respond respectfully to challenging questions. This content is also available through individual and confidential coaching.

Communication Skills for Leaders – Leaders role-model what they value and what they expect when they speak and act and also when they fail to act.  Learn how to communicate what is important to YOU in order to both better achieve your goals and to increase efficiency and loyalty among your employees. Learn how to role-model ethical behavior for your staff and your constituents and experience more rewarding relationships as you put these skills into practice. This content is also available through individual and confidential coaching.

Facilitating Difficult Conversations with Constituents – Employees of municipalities, county and state governments are often required to interact with constituents who are angry, vindictive, exhausted and /or scared.  This training is designed to give these professionals some specific communication skills to deal with what can feel like a daily assault that distracts them from the work they are trying to do on behalf of all of their constituents. This content is also available through individual and confidential coaching.

Customized Culture Diagnosis – Please contact me for more information about how I can help your village, municipality or state government to create policies and procedures to effectively manage conflict both among your employees and in conversations with constituent  OR for more information about the type of review services I provide that can give your entire staff insight into your workplace culture and how that impacts what is working well, what is not working well and some specific suggestions for improvement. Your workplace is in the public eye and is viewed as a model for the behavior of your constituents.  What is the culture of your workplace communicating?


If you are looking to foster ethical governance and don’t see exactly what you are looking for in this list of workshops, coaching and cultural diagnosis options, please fill out our contact form and let us know how we can help you!